Jql Cheat Sheet

Using JQL Search Extensions 'Subqueries' tab from the menu, I have written a query to fetch ALL issues having the regular expression 'Auto.' based on value stored in custom field 'Client Name' Result: As you could see, based on regular expressions I have put in, matching custom field issue in result is only one.

  • The JQL field 'text' as in text 'some words' searches an issue's Summary, Description, Environment, Comments. It also searches all text custom fields. It also searches all text custom fields. If you have many text custom fields you can improve performance of your queries by searching on specific fields, e.g.
  • JQL Syntax for the Impatient. There are a few JQL syntax bits to get you started: AND- allows you to add qualifiers to a list!= Thing- target one thing; is in (List, Of, Things)- target a bunch of things (Done, Closed, Resolved) typically; not in (List, of, Things)- do not include a bunch of things-1w- relative time. You can also use -1d for day.

Constr­ucting JQL Queries

JIRA 1 Example Clauseproject = TESTJIRA 2 Example Clauseproject = TEST AND assignee in (curre­ntu­ser())BreakdownFieldprojectOperator=Value

Jira Cheat Sheet Pdf

TESTValues & FunctionsTEST AND assignee = curren­tuser()A simple query in JQL (also known as a 'clause') consists of a field, followed by an operator, followed by one or more values or functions. For example:

Scoping and sorting

ScopingFocusing your query so it pulls the right amount of data so the user sees only the inform­ation relevant to the current item at hand.SortingOrdering your data such that the most critical set of data is listed first.Part of a good query is knowing how to get data out of JIRA. The other part is knowing how to engage your team and your customers with the result. Let's start with two concepts that are critical to effective data presen­tation.


AssigneeEpic LinkResolvedAffected versionFilterSprintAttach­mentsFix versionStatusCommentIssue keySummaryComponentLabelsTextCreatedLast viewedTime spentCreatorPriorityVoterDescri­ptionProjectWatcherDue

Jql Cheat Sheet Pdf

Reportercustom fieldA field in JQL is a word that represents a Jira field (or a custom field that has already been defined in Jira).


=!=><>=<=~!~innot inisis notwaswas notwas inwas not inchangedAn operator in JQL is one or more symbols or words that compare the value of a field on its left with one or more values (or functions) on its right, such that only true results are retrieved by the clause. Some operators may use the NOT keyword.


TimePeopleIssuestartO­fDa­y/W­eek­/Mo­nth­/Yearcurren­tLo­gin()issueH­ist­ory()endOfD­ay/­Wee­k/M­ont­h/Yearcurren­tUser()openSp­rints()lastLo­gin()watche­dIs­sues()now()myAppr­oval()myPend­ing()A function in JQL appears as a word followed by parent­heses, which may contain one or more explicit values or Jira fields.
A function performs a calcul­ation on either specific Jira data or the function's content in parent­heses, such that only true results are retrieved by the function, and then again by the clause in which the function is used.

Reserved characters & words

space (' ')/a, and, are, as, at,+%be, but, by, for, if,.^in, into, is, it, no,,$not, of, on, or, s,;#such, t, that, the, their,?@then, there, these, they,|[Jql Cheat Sheetthis, to, was, will, with*]When using these common characters or words in queries, you need to:
1. Surround them with quote-­marks. You can use either single quote-­marks (') or double quote-­marks (') eg. text ~ '­enc­odi­ng'
2. If you are searching a text 001eeld and the character is on the list of reserved
characters or words, precede them with two backsl­ashes

Term modifiers

Wildcard searchFuzzy searchReplace single character with ?
e.g. te?t
Replace multiple characters with
e.g. win
CheatAdd ~ to the end of a single term
e.g. roam~Prox­imity searchBoost termAdd ~ and a number to the end of a phrase in quotes
e.g. text ~ 'At­lassian jira'~10'Add with a boost factor (a number) to the end of a search term e.g. atlass­ian4 jira

Word stemming

FieldAdd ~ to the beginning of a single term
e.g. ~customize

Show tickets created by a user

This will also show them in descending order, which will give you the most recently created issues first.

Query by project

Find issues belonging to an inactive user

Search via text

Searching for multiple criteria


Get all bugs linked with a task (PROJECT-1234)

For example, if you create a bug that should be a task, you can do the following:

  1. Open the issue you want to change
  2. Click More
  3. Click Move
  4. Specify the New Issue Type
  5. Click Next >>
  6. Click Next >>
  7. Click Move


If your description keeps getting screwed up after you save something you've change in the description, be sure to click the Edit button instead of editing it inline.