Visual Studio Code Esp8266

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This software allows you to easily perform a variety of actions to test 802.11 wireless networks by using an inexpensive ESP8266 WiFi SoC (System On A Chip). The main feature, the deauthentication attack, is used to disconnect devices from their WiFi network.

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  • Visual Studio Code is a lightweight but powerful source code editor which runs on your desktop and is available for Windows, macOS and Linux. It comes with built-in support for JavaScript, TypeScript and Node.js and has a rich ecosystem of extensions for other languages (such as C, C#, Java, Python, PHP, Go) and runtimes (such as.NET and Unity).

Continue with Customize VS Code or browse all intro videos.

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Visual Studio Code is a lightweight but powerful source code editor which runs on your desktop and is available for Windows, macOS and Linux. It comes with built-in support for JavaScript, TypeScript and Node.js and has a rich ecosystem of extensions for other languages (such as C++, C#, Java, Python, PHP, Go) and runtimes (such as .NET and Unity). Begin your journey with VS Code with these introductory videos.

Visual Studio Code in Action

Intelligent Code Completion

Code smarter with IntelliSense - completions for variables, methods, and imported modules.

Streamlined Debugging

Print debugging is a thing of the past. Debug in VS Code with your terminal tools.
Visual Studio Code Esp8266

Fast, Powerful Editing

Linting, multi-cursor editing, parameter hints, and other powerful editing features.

Code Navigation and Refactoring

Browse your source code quickly using peek and navigate to definition.

In-Product Source Control

Speed up your release cycle with SCM support inside your editor, including rich Git integration.

Top Extensions

Enable additional languages, themes, debuggers, commands, and more. VS Code's growing community shares their secret sauce to improve your workflow.

First Steps

To get the most out of Visual Studio Code, start by reviewing a few introductory topics:

Intro Videos - Begin your journey with VS Code through these introductory videos.

Setup - Install VS Code for your platform and configure the tool set for your development needs.

User Interface - Introduction to the basic UI, commands, and features of the VS Code editor.

Settings - Customize VS Code for how you like to work.

Languages - Learn about VS Code's support for your favorite programming languages.

Node.js - This tutorial gets you quickly running and debugging a Node.js web app.

Tips and Tricks - Jump right in with Tips and Tricks to become a VS Code power user.

Azure - VS Code is great for deploying your web applications to the cloud.

Extension API - Learn how to write a VS Code extension.

Why VS Code? - Read about the design philosophy and architecture of VS Code.

Keyboard Shortcuts

Visual Studio Code Esp8266

Increase your productivity with VS Code's keyboard shortcuts.

Keyboard Shortcut Reference Sheet - Learn the commonly used keyboard shortcuts.

Visual studio code platform io

Keymap Extensions - Change VS Code's keyboard shortcuts to match another editor.

Visual Studio Code Esp8266

Customize Keyboard Shortcuts - Modify the default keyboard shortcuts.


Download VS Code - Quickly find the appropriate install for your platform (Windows, macOS and Linux)


Visual Studio Code Platformio Esp8266

By default, VS Code auto-updates to new versions, and collects usage data and crash report information. You may opt out of these defaults by disabling them as instructed below:

We have official support for VS Code and we aim to provide complete end to end support for all actions related to ESP-IDF namely build, flash, monitor, debug, tracing, core-dump, System Trace Viewer, etc.

Quick Install Guide¶

Recommended way to install ESP-IDF Visual Studio Code Extension is by downloading it from VS Code Marketplace or following Quick Installation Guide.

Visual Studio Code Esp8266 Debug

Supported Features¶

  • Onboarding, will help you to quickly install ESP-IDF and its relevant toolchain with just few clicks.

  • Build, with one click build and multi target build, you can easily build and deploy your applications.

  • Flash, with both UART and JTAG flash out of the box.

  • Monitoring comes with inbuilt terminal where you can trigger IDF Monitor Commands from within VS Code as you are used to in traditional terminals.

  • Debugging, with out of box hardware debugging and also support for postmortem debugging like core-dump, you can analyze the bugs with convenience.

  • GUI Menu Config, provides with simplified UI for configuring your chip.

  • App & Heap Tracing, provides support for collecting traces from your application and simplified UI for analyzing them.

  • System View Tracing Viewer, aims to read and display the .svdat files into trace UI, we also support multiple core tracing views.

  • IDF Size Analysis Overview presents an UI for binary size analysis.

  • Rainmaker Cloud, we have inbuilt Rainmaker Cloud support where you can edit/read state of your connected IoT devices easily.

  • Code Coverage, we have inbuilt code coverage support which shall highlight in color which line have been covered. We also render the existing HTML report directly inside the IDE.

Bugs & Feature Requests¶

If you face an issue with certain feature of VS Code or VS Code in general we recommend to ask your question in the forum, or open a github issue for our dev teams to review.

We also welcome new feature request, most of the features we have today is result of people asking it to implement, or improve certain aspect of the extension, raise your feature request on github.