Dbeaver Sample Database Sqlite

Summary: in this tutorial, we first introduce you to an SQLite sample database. Then, we will give you the links to download the sample database and its diagram. At the end of the tutorial, we will show you how to connect to the sample database using the sqlite3 tool.

Dbeaver Sample Database Sqlite Free

Introduction to chinook SQLite sample database

Dbeaver sample database sqlite Navigate to MySQL Sample Database, and click the Download MySQL Sample Database button to download yourself a copy of the database. If you’re a database developer, you know that you need different SQL statements for creating schemas, ad-hoc querying, initiating backups, or troubleshooting. Github has a version of the Microsoft Access 2000 Northwind sample database, re-engineered for SQLite3. So, similar to the previous example, save the SQL script available on GitHub as NorthwindSqlite.sql. Now connect to SQLite and create a database called Northwind: sqlite3 Northwind.db. List of tools that allow for the design of a database. Database design is a set of activities aimed at improving the development, implementation, and maintenance of an enterprise data management system. Its main goal is to reflect the outline of the database system into real models: physical and logical. Database designers determine what data is to be stored inside the database, and how. We provide you with the SQLite sample database named chinook. The chinook sample database is a good database for practicing with SQL, especially SQLite. The following database diagram illustrates the chinook database tables and their relationships. Chinook sample database tables.

We provide you with the SQLite sample database named chinook. The chinook sample database is a good database for practicing with SQL, especially SQLite.


The following database diagram illustrates the chinook database tables and their relationships.

SQLite– Employees – SQLite.dbis a ready-to-use database file created from the Employees – SQLite.sqlscript. This sample may be connected by default in a new project. Firebird– Employees – Firebird.fdbis a ready-to-use database file created from the Employees – Firebird.sqlscript. Use localhostand default port 3050.

Chinook sample database tables

There are 11 tables in the chinook sample database.

  • employees table stores employees data such as employee id, last name, first name, etc. It also has a field named ReportsTo to specify who reports to whom.
  • customers table stores customers data.
  • invoices & invoice_items tables: these two tables store invoice data. The invoices table stores invoice header data and the invoice_items table stores the invoice line items data.
  • artists table stores artists data. It is a simple table that contains only the artist id and name.
  • albums table stores data about a list of tracks. Each album belongs to one artist. However, one artist may have multiple albums.
  • media_types table stores media types such as MPEG audio and AAC audio files.
  • genres table stores music types such as rock, jazz, metal, etc.
  • tracks table stores the data of songs. Each track belongs to one album.
  • playlists & playlist_track tables: playlists table store data about playlists. Each playlist contains a list of tracks. Each track may belong to multiple playlists. The relationship between the playlists table and tracks table is many-to-many. The playlist_track table is used to reflect this relationship.

Download SQLite sample database

You can download the SQLite sample database using the following link.

In case you want to have the database diagram for reference, you can download both black&white and color versions in PDF format.

How to connect to SQLite sample database

The sample database file is ZIP format, therefore, you need to extract it to a folder, for example, C:sqlitedb. The name of the file is chinook.db

Dbeaver Sample Database Sqlite

If you don’t have zip software installed, you can download a free zip software such as 7-zip.

First, use the command line program and navigate to the SQLite directory where the sqlite3.exe file is located:

Dbeaver Sample Database Sqlite Software

Dbeaver Sample Database Sqlite

Second, use the following command to connect to the chinook sample database located in the db folder, which is a subfolder of the sqlite folder.

You should see the following command:

Third, try a simple command e.g., .tables to view all the tables available in the sample database.

In this tutorial, we have introduced you to the chinook SQLite sample database and showed you how to connect to it using the sqlite3 tool.

  • Dark theme support was improved (Windows 10 and GTk)
  • Data viewer:
    • Copy As: format configuration editor was added
    • Extra configuration for filter dialog (performance)
    • Sort by column as fixed (for small fetch sizes)
    • Case-insensitive filters support was added
    • Plaintext view now support top/bottom dividers
    • Data editor was fixed (when column name conflicts with alias name)
    • Duplicate row(s) command was fixed for multiple selected rows
    • Edit sub-menu was returned to the context menu
    • Columns auto-size configuration was added
    • Dictionary viewer was fixed (for read-only connections)
    • Current/selected row highlighting support was added (configurable)
  • Metadata search now supports search in comments
  • GIS/Spatial:
    • Map position preserve after tiles change
    • Support of geometries with Z and M coordinates was added
    • Postgis: DDL for 3D geometry columns was fixed
    • Presto + MySQL geometry type support was added
    • BigQuery now supports spatial data viewer
    • Binary geo json support was improved
    • Geometry export was fixed (SRID parameter)
    • Tiles definition editor was fixed (multi-line definitions + formatting)
  • SQL editor:
    • Auto-completion for objects names with spaces inside was fixed
    • Database objects hyperlinks rendering was fixed
  • SQL Server: MFA (multi-factor authentication) support was added
  • PostgreSQL: array data types read was fixed
  • Oracle: indexes were added to table DDL
  • Vertica: LIMIT clause support was improved
  • Athena: extra AWS regions added to connection dialog
  • Sybase IQ: server version detection was improved
  • SAP ASE: user function loading was fixed
  • Informix: cross-database metadata read was fixed
  • We migrated to Eclipse 2021-03 platform