
If you wish to use the GoJS library for your private evaluation, you may do so only under the terms of the Evaluation License Agreement.

You can download the whole web site for this version of GoJS by saving and unzipping:

We also maintain a GitHub Repository of all libraries, documentation, samples, and extensions. This allows you to search through documentation and code online.

The contents of both the ZIP file and the GitHub repository are exactly what you find at the GoJS web site. Having everything downloaded to your development machine allows you to easily search the JavaScript code and to modify the samples for experimentation.

You can also download GoJS via Node package manager (npm): $ npm install gojs --save.

Unpkg cdn

Or download the GoJS library files via NuGet: PM> Install-Package Northwoods.GoJS.

Or you can link to a CDN (content delivery network):

@babel/standalone provides a standalone build of Babel for use in browsers and other non-Node.js environments. UNPKG is a fast, global content delivery network for everything on npm.

Key Default Value Description; path. The path used to make the connection (only change if you changed it on the server). Whether to reconnect automatically after disconnect. Key Default Value Description; path. The path used to make the connection (only change if you changed it on the server). Whether to reconnect automatically after disconnect. Workfront unpkg is a fork of an open source project. If you have any problems using this, please create an issue.

  • UNPKG, such as:
    • Latest: 'https://unpkg.com/gojs/release/go.js'
    • Most recent 2.1: 'https://unpkg.com/gojs@2.1/release/go.js'
  • JSDELIVR, such as:
    • Latest: 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/gojs/release/go.js'
    • Most recent 2.1: 'https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/gojs@2.1/release/go.js'

The GoJS library comes in both 'debug' and 'release' variations in the release directory:

  • go-debug.js, the same functionality as `go.js`, but with more error checking, for use during development.
  • go-module.js and go-debug-module.js, the same functionality but as ES6 modules.
  • go.mjs and go-debug.mjs are copies of the *-module.js ES6 files for Node.js use on a server.

We recommend that you use go-debug.js while doing your initial development -- it is more likely to signal errors or provide meaningful error messages than when using go.js. Always remember to look at the console log to see if there are any error or warning messages.

After purchasing a license, you may deploy by acquiring a license key for your web site's domain. See Deployment for more discussion.

New Versions

You can learn about new releases in several manners:

  • 'watch' the GoJS GitHub repository for new releases
  • read the GoJS npm package page, or write a 'hook' for it
  • follow us on Twitter: @NorthwoodsGo
  • read the GoJS Change Log page
  • read or follow the Northwoods GoJS Forum

When updating or upgrading to a newer version, please read the Change Log. In addition to getting new debug and release libraries, don't forget to use the latest TypeScript definition file, go.d.ts, that is also in the release directory.

More information is at GoJS home.

Unpkg Bootstrap 4

GoJS ® by Northwoods Software. Copyright © 1998-2021 Northwoods Software ®